Confidently parent through your child's big emotions.  

Or your money back 


We get it. It's hard to help your ADHD and/or Autistic Child with their big feelings. 

Our course helps you understand your child's unique needs.

Say GOODBYE, to feeling tired and defeated and HELLO to calm and confident.

Here’s what you get:

Right to the point information

Easy to digest, self paced, short videos for busy moms

True to you

What you’ll learn is easy to take and tailor to your child’s unique needs

Lifetime access

You get access FOREVER to the course, all of the updates, and your new besties. 

Meet US!

Paige & Lindsay


Hey! We are Lindsay and Paige. 


Two child therapists who met online, became best friends, and started a business.

Being neurodivergent and parenting neurodivergent kids has taught us a lot more than our clinical experience.  We believe that every parent should have access to affordable parenting resources. 

We’ve dropped over 100 podcast episodes, helped hundreds of parents, & we want to help you.  


And don’t think we are the stuffy clinician type- we are just like you- weird messy buns, flying by the seat of our pants, & surviving on a large iced coffee.


What you'll learn…

To understand your child's unique emotional needs and tailor your parenting approach to them. 

Practical ways to implement what you learn in your parenting today

How to create a coping plan for the situations you know will be stressful. 


Check out our new 6 lesson video series that will help you help your child.  With "Coping for Kids," you'll not only gain the knowledge but also the practical strategies to support your child's emotional growth.



This includes lifetime access to the video series

Why This course?

Together we have over 19 years of combined clinical experience with children. 

We have produced over 100 podcast episodes.

The average waitlist for therapy is 6 months. With us, you get immediate access so you can feel more confident tomorrow. 

Why waste your time and money looking for someone who understands your child when we are right here? 


Paige and Lindsay helped me so much in learning about working with my daughter (and myself) to regulate emotions. My daughter is very strong willed but also sensitive and I was having difficulty knowing what to do with her big emotions and sensitivity. I found myself getting very anxious when I felt she was heading towards a tantrum.

This course helped so much with identifying my daughter's triggers and the why behind behaviors. They give tangible, real world actions to use with her in these scenarios. It was actually pretty fun to try these things with my daughter, see which ones she was drawn to and then see her calm down in real time. It helped me feel empowered and also helped me learn more about my daughter and what she actually needs in those hard moments.

Paige and Lindsay  are incredible teachers with amazing strategies. They get it because they are parents too. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants realistic tools and activities that will help with regulating those big emotions.


Laura N.


What if I buy it, and it's not right for me?

No worries, we offer a money back guarantee. 

How do I know this will work for my child?

This course is different because we teach you to understand and adapt to your child's needs rather than giving you cookie cutter advice.

Can I get support after the session? 

You offer a discounted 30 min 1:1 problem solving session within 30 days of purchase for extra support. 

Do I get lifetime access?

Yes, and you even get updates made to the course for free. 

How is this different from counseling?

Our online coping skills course offers a flexible, affordable, and practical alternative to traditional counseling, teaching children techniques to manage emotions at their own pace. It provides convenient, accessible learning for families, and can complement existing counseling by reinforcing therapeutic skills.

Why are you different? 

We are two child counselors who have 19+ years of combined experience. We are also moms with our own neurodivergent children. We created this course because we needed it at one time. 


Counseling to teach these skills $150 an Hour

Us: $100 for life